Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Otaheite Apple

This was one of my favorite fruits in Jamaica. It has this gorgeous appearnce. It is shapped like a pear. It has this shiny skin and can be red in color or burgundy when really sweet. It is very juicy (like and apple). It has one single large seed in the middle. I have read that sometimes it is seedless but I have never come across one without a seed.

There are many other names for this sweet fruit like Pomarosa, Pommerac, Malacca Apple, Plum Rose and Malay Apple.

The flesh of the Otaheite apple is white and juicy. In fact it is because of the fruit's high water content that it does not last very long. They do not last long and you have to eat them quickly.
The fruit makes an excellent jam when stewed with brown sugar and ginger

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