Monday, April 21, 2008

Fish Baked in Banana Leaves


If you are not able to get banana leaves, then substitute with parchment paper. This is a wonderful recipe.

Banana leaves or parchment paper
Salt and Pepper to taste
6 6-8 ozs fillets of grouper, snapper or any fish that is very firm
2 tomatoes, peel seeded and chopped
1/4 cup chopped scallion (green onions)
1/2 cup of coconut cream
A sprig of thyme
Couple of pimento seeds (about 4)


Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Cut the banana leaves into rectangles, large enough to fold over the fish or cut the parchment paper the same. Sear the leaves (hold over a flame) over a glass flame, until they are limp and pliable. (do not sear parchment paper if you are using that)

Place each fillet on a piece of banana leaf, parchment paper, or foil. sprinkle the fish with the salt and pepper, chopped tomato and chopped (scallion) green onion. (i add regular onion too). Spoon on some coconut cream. Fold the warapping to enclose the fish and fillings and seal the edges by folding over twice. Fold over the ends in the same way. (if using banana leaves ties with string).

Bake each packet for about 10 to 15 minutes. Everyone you serve can have their own little fish bundle.

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